Meet the people responsible for development, deployment, and design!
Lead developer on all QCArchive projects and team lead for other developers
Developer focused on database design, integrity, and interface
Developer focused on backend cluster integration, user interfaces, software releases and this website's content
Developer for the QCEngine and QCElemental projects
Developer focused on documenation and machine learning
These additional developers are those who have made significant contributions to individual projects, or the archive as a whole.
Primary Requirements Engineer for the QCArchive project, keeps the rest of us from the dreaded scope creep.
Scientist on behalf of Open Force Field who has been using QCArchive since the beginning and helping shape end-user interface and development
TeraChem wrapper implementation in QCEngine.
Molpro wrapper implementation in QCEngine.
Want to see your code in QCArchive? Find a bug? Have questions in general? Head to the GitHub page and contribute!
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